List your address of residency for the past 3 years |
Current address: |
Previous Address: |
Date of Birth (required for Commercial Drivers) |
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If so, reason for leaving?
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If yes, please explain fully on a separate sheet of paper. Conviction of a crime is not an automatic bar to employment-all circumstances will be considered.
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Is there any reason you might be unable to perform the functions of the job for which you have applied, that of an over-the-road independent contractor?
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Employment History
All driver applicants to drive in interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the preceding 3 years. List complete mailing address, street number, city, state, and zip code.
Applicants to drive a commercial motor vehicle in intrastate or interstate commerce shall also provide an additional 7 years information on those employers for whom the applicant operated such vehicle.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR's) apply to anyone operating a motor vehicle on a highway in interstate commerce to transport passengers or property when the vehicle: (1) weighs or has a GVWR of 10,001 pounds or more. (2) is designed or used to transport more than 8 passengers (including the driver), OR (3) is of any size and is used to transport hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placarding.
NOTE: List employers in reverse order, starting with the most recent. Add another sheet if necessary. |
Accident Record for the past 3 years or more (attach sheet if more space is needed) If none, write NONE. |
Traffic Convictions and Forfeitures for the past 3 years (other than parking violations) If none, write NONE |
Experience and Qualifications - Driver
List all Drivers Licenses or permits held in the past 3 years |
Driving Experience |
List states operated in for the last five years
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Show special courses or training that have taken that will help you as an Independent Contractor
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Have you received any safe driving awards?
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Experience and Qualifications - Other |
Show any trucking, transportation, or other experience that may help you pursue a job as an Independent Contractor
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List courses and training other than shown elsewhere in this application
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Education |
What is the highest grade completed? |
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